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Quote from Marala Scott, In Our House: Perception Vs Reality

They don’t have to know the real you for you to keep being that amazing you! Don’t let someone’s negative spirit disrupt or corrupt yours. Be you for…you. God is the one that you want to see who you really are.

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Quote from Guy de Maupassant, Bel-Ami

Life is a slope. As long as you’re going up you’re always looking towards the top and you feel happy, but when you reach it, suddenly you can see the road going downhill and death at the end of it all. It’s slow going up and quick going down.

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Quote from Dory Hollander, 101 Lies Men Tell Women — And Why Women Believe Them

Women and men who have established no-lie relationships talk about them with reverence, even when they are not permanent and, in fact, even when they are not romantic. Why? In the no-lie relationship there is acceptance of who each partner is, rather than a shallow idealization. There is a genuine commitment to the relationship beyond the immediate. You each act as though you are in a real partnership that will last.

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Quote from Paul David Tripp, Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hands: People in Need of Change Helping People in Need of Change

Embedded in the larger story of redemption is a principle we must not miss: God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things in the lives of others.

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Quote from Madalyn Beck, Dragon Hearts & Dandelion Fuzz

And the fight for who we are,for who we hope to become,has only begun.

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Quote from Jeffrey McDaniel, Forgiveness Parade

The Quiet WorldIn an effort to get people to lookinto each other’s eyes more,and also to appease the mutes,the government has decidedto allot each person exactly one hundred and sixty-seven words, per day.When the phone rings, I put it to my ear without saying hello. In the restaurant I point at chicken noodle soup.I am adjusting well to the new way.Late at night, I call my long distance lover, I only used fifty-nine today. When she doesn’t respond,I know she’s used up all her words, thirty-two and a third times.After that, we just sit on the line and listen to each other breathe.

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Quote from Ricky Maye, Barefoot Christianity

Being the light of the world is about being a broken, exploding, scarred star and shining a light of hope and inspiration to everyone around you.

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Quote from Gina Barreca

If anger were mileage, I’d be a very frequent flyer, right up there in First Class.

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Quote from Harlan Ellison

The two most common elements in the universe are Hydrogen and stupidity.

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Quote from Daniel Linderman

To be truly happy, a man must live absolutely in the present, no thought of what’s gone before and no thought of what lies ahead. But a life with meaning, a man is condemned to wallow in the past and obsess about the future.

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