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Quote from Kelley Armstrong, Bitten

You forget, darling. the local psychopath.

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Quote from Arnold H. Glasow

Success isn’t a result of spontaneous combustion. You have to set yourself on fire.

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Quote from Prosper Mérimée, Carmen

I’ll follow you, even to death—but I won’t live with you any more.

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Quote from Maxim Gorki

…Vezi câte s-au întâmplat odinioară?… În zilele noastre însă nu mai întâlnești nimic, nici fapte, nici oameni, nici poveşti ca cele din trecut… Oare de ce?… Ia spune-mi! Aşa-i că nu poți să-mi spui?!… Ce știi tu? Ce știți voi tinerii? Ehei! Privește cu luare-aminte în trecut… şi acolo vei găsi răspuns la toate… Da voi nu vreți să vă uitați în urmă, şi, de aceea, nu știți să trăiți…Parcă eu nu văd cum e viața de astăzi? Ah, văd prea bine, cu toate că mi-a slăbit vederea! Văd că oamenii nu mai trăiesc, ci doar încearcă să trăiască, istovindu-şi în zadar toată vlaga din ei… Şi după ce s-au prădat chiar pe ei, pierzându-şi vremea în zadar, încep să se plângă de soartă. Ce amestec are ea în toate acestea? Fiecare își croiește singur soarta lui! În ziua de azi văd tot felul de oameni, dar oameni puternici nu mai văd!

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Quote from Luanne Rice, Firefly Beach

Clear nights are sometimes the coldest.

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Quote from Lisa Schroeder, I Heart You, You Haunt Me

When you meet someone so different from yourself, in a good way, you don’t even have to kiss to have fireworks go off. It’s like fireworks in your heart all the time. I always wondered, do opposites really attract? Now I know for sure they do. I’d grown up going to the library as often as most people go to the grocery store. Jackson didn’t need to read about exciting people or places. He went out and found them, or created excitement himself if there wasn’t any to be found. The things I like are pretty simple. Burning CDs around themes, like Songs to Get You Groove On and Tunes to Fix a Broken Heart; watching movies; baking cookies; and swimming. It’s like I was a salad with a light vinaigrette, and Jackson was a platter of seafood Cajun pasta. Alone, we were good. Together, we were fantastic.

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Quote from A fragile dew-drop on its perilous wayFrom a tree’s summit.

Life is but a day

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Quote from John Calvin, Commentaries on the Catholic Epistles

For though God has promised to do whatsoever his people may ask, yet he does not allow them an unbridled liberty to ask whatever may come to their minds; but he has at the same time prescribed to them a law according to which they are to pray. And doubtless nothing is better for us than this restriction; for if it was allowed to every one of us to ask what he pleased, and if God were to indulge us in our wishes, it would be to provide very badly for us. For what may be expedient we know not; nay, we boil over with corrupt and hurtful desires. But God supplies a twofold remedy, lest we should pray otherwise than according to what his own will has prescribed; for he teaches us by his word what he would have us to ask, and he has also set over us his Spirit as our guide and ruler, to restrain our feelings, so as not to suffer them to wander beyond due bounds. For what or how to pray, we know not, says Paul, but the Spirit helpeth our infirmity, and excites in us unutterable groans. (Romans 8:26.) We ought also to ask the mouth of the Lord to direct and guide our prayers; for God in his promises has fixed for us, as it has been said, the right way of praying.

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Quote from Mohadesa Najumi

Your fear of becoming a cliche is what turns you into one. If you remove the fear, we are all really walking contradictions, hypocrites and paradoxical cliches

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Quote from J.R.R. Tolkien

I sit beside the fire and think Of all that I have seenOf meadow flowers and butterfliesIn summers that have beenOf yellow leaves and gossamerIn autumns that there wereWith morning mist and silver sunAnd wind upon my hairI sit beside the fire and thinkOf how the world will beWhen winter comes without a spring That I shall ever seeFor still there are so many thingsThat I have never seenIn every wood in every springThere is a different greenI sit beside the fire and thinkOf people long agoAnd people that will see a worldThat I shall never knowBut all the while I sit and thinkOf times there were beforeI listen for returning feet And voices at the door

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