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Quote from Eden Phillpotts, A Shadow Passes

We are often jealous of our little secrets, though to another ear they generally convey neither profit nor entertainment.

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Quote from Mortimer J. Adler, How to Read a Book: The Classic Bestselling Guide to Reading Books and Accessing Information

Wonder is the beginning of wisdom in learning from books as well as from nature.

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Quote from James Patterson, Max

He could totally be your boyfriend,” [Angel] went on with annoying persistance. “You guys could get married. I could be like a junior bridesmaid. Total could be your flower dog.””I’m only a kid!” I shrieked. “I can’t get married!””You could in New Hampshire.”

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Quote from Marie Lu, Champion

Now, as we stand three feet apart and stare at each other, I feel the full distance that comes with spending so much time apart, a moment filled with the electricity of a first meeting and the uncertainty of strangers.

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Quote from Ramez Naam, More Than Human: Embracing the Promise of Biological Enhancement

Playing God is actually the highest expression of human nature. The urges to improve ourselves, to master our environment, and to set our children on the best path possible have been the fundamental driving forces of all of human history. Without these urges to ‘play God’, the world as we know it wouldn’t exist today.

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Quote from Kristin Hannah, Firefly Lane

To make real friends you have to put yourself out there. Sometimes people will let you down, but you can’t let that stop you. If you get hurt, you just pick yourself up, dust off your feelings, and try again.

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Quote from Aleister Crowley, Cocaine: Impressions & Opinions

Further, an excess of legislation defeats its own ends. It makes the whole population criminals, and turns them all into police and police spies. The moral health of such a people is ruined for ever; only revolution can save it.

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Quote from Ralph Ellison, Juneteenth

But what a feeling can come over a man just from seeing the things he believes in and hopes for symbolized in the concrete form of a man. In something that gives a focus to all the other things he knows to be real. Something that makes unseen things manifest and allows him to come to his hopes and dreams through his outer eye and through the touch and feel of his natural hand.

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Quote from Nnedi Okorafor, Kabu Kabu

Two footsteps do not make a path.

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Quote from Ian McEwan, Enduring Love

When it’s gone, you’ll know what a gift love was. You’ll suffer like this. So go back and fight to keep it.

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