Through the Sad Wood Our Corpses Will Hang

Quote from Ava Farmehri, Through the Sad Wood Our Corpses Will Hang

It’s not that I don’t believe in God, it’s simply that I doubt His kindness. I am suspicious of His motives. There is no logical (or illogical for that matter) evidence to prove that God truly is who He claims to be, or what His followers claim Him to be: omniscient, all-hearing, merciful… In fact, all evidence points in the opposite direction.

It’s not that I don’t believe in God, it’s simply that I doubt His kindness. I am suspicious of His motives. There is no logical (or illogical for that matter) evidence to prove that God truly is who He claims to be, or what His followers claim Him to be: omniscient, all-hearing, merciful… In fact, all evidence points in the opposite direction.

Ava Farmehri, Through the Sad Wood Our Corpses Will Hang 

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