Quote from James Lovegrove

…I don’t believe in Him, and if He does exist, I don’t like Him. His type of gods aren’t gods who echo how mortals behave. They’re gods who are held up as example of perfection to be emulated. They’re not gods of the people. They’re remote and inaccessible, they demand blind, unthinking obedience from their followers. They’re dictators. We Aesir and Vanir, by contrast, are mirrors. Other gods rule. We reflect and magnify. We are you, only more so. We share your flaws and foibles. We are as humanlike as we are divine, and I think we are all the better for that.

…I don’t believe in Him, and if He does exist, I don’t like Him. His type of gods aren’t gods who echo how mortals behave. They’re gods who are held up as example of perfection to be emulated. They’re not gods of the people. They’re remote and inaccessible, they demand blind, unthinking obedience from their followers. They’re dictators. We Aesir and Vanir, by contrast, are mirrors. Other gods rule. We reflect and magnify. We are you, only more so. We share your flaws and foibles. We are as humanlike as we are divine, and I think we are all the better for that.

James Lovegrove 

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